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Bornage limite entre mon terrain et celui du voisin

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             > Bornage limite entre mon terrain et celui du voisin

Auteur du Sujet
Lionel Gadiolle
Le 05/07/2012
à 14h15


Pouvez-vous me dire combien coûte la verification de l'emplacement de la clôture par un géométre? J'ai acheté recemment un terrain et celui-ci me parait maintenant bien plus petit que le metrage indiqué.

Demandez vos 3 devis gratuits en Diagnostic et Géomètre
Plomb, Carrez, Gaz, Termites, Amiante, Bornage...
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Rapide et sans engagement - Charte vie privée BatiExpo
Gabriela Hammond
Le 17/09/2020
à 14h35

 I know someone that could help, check out  Butte

Gabriela Hammond
Le 17/09/2020
à 15h12

 I don't really know but check this out  Missoula they might help.

Andy Guiller
Le 23/01/2021
à 20h34

 Going to have to look at the originial plans to see if you have a leg to stand on should you want to fight this further. People can be so brutal-I empathize with your situation and wish you best of luck. On the bright side it's warm where you are so there's no need for furnace repair which is what I'm dealing with currently. Best of luck to

Gigi Smith
Le 11/02/2021
à 11h38

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Stephen smith
Le 28/02/2021
à 17h32

Thanks for the post, call us today to get your smoke alarm installed or visit our site here

Stephen smith
Le 28/02/2021
à 17h37

This is very interesting subject, call us today to get your smoke alarm installed or visit us here

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h30

 Thanks for the information, if you need some electricians near me, contact us today

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h31

 Thanks for the information, if you need some  electricians near me , contact us today

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h32

 Thanks for the information, if you need some  electricians near me , contact us today

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h32

 Thanks for the information, if you need some    electricians near me  , contact us today

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h34

 This is graeat info, call us today if you need some electrical contractors

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h35

 Nice information, if you inclusion some electrical contractors, call us today

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h36

 Thank you for the info, if you are in nees of any electrical contractors, visit us today

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h37

 Thanks for the post, if you inclusion some electrical contractors then get in touch with us today

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h38

 This is great stuff, call us today for your electrical contractors

Stephen smith
Le 09/03/2021
à 15h39

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Le 30/03/2021
à 02h54

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Sandra James
Le 10/04/2021
à 23h55

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Joseph Hansford
Le 25/04/2021
à 00h18

 Could you please tell me a little more, please? mobile app developers 


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